
V.l.n.r.  Frans Kemp, Bas Vullings

Current committee members:

  • Bas Hendriks
  • Gijs Ploumen
  • Sverre Fokkens

This committee will ensure that the association will work in a more data-driven way. The association will then, among other things, make data-driven direct debits, print data labels, keep track of study progress, keep track of who is the best donor and who wins the thumb trophy, stalk people and see who has the most acres around the house. Besides this we also provide fun facts Did you know for example that Joost Koolen lives at this address: 112 Albardaweg. The DataCie was founded to clean up the mess caused by previous administrations by creating a new member base. In addition, we will also ensure that the data remains clean.
Data-driven greetings,
the Datacie

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