L-R: Boudewijn Benjamins, Bas Hendriks, Merel Stevens, Annabel Ridder
Current committee members:
- Gijs Vorselen
- Petra Doolaege
- Rutger Stavenga
- Wout Hartveld
The Foreign Excursion Committee, abbreviated in Dutch as the BuitEx.
Once every two years, a group of technicians is tasked with organizing an extensive excursion to interesting countries. This excursion takes place at the end of the summer vacation and is intended for technicians from the second to the fifth year. The BuitEx is not only a week with great company visits but also a very enjoyable and fun week, where integrating with the local population while enjoying a beer should not be forgotten. The intention is to put together a varied program. Various activities and visits to technical marvels will take place. Think of various tractor manufacturers and manufacturers of agricultural machinery where you, as a technician, can go for an internship or possibly a job.